Besides psicological assistance to families, children and teenagers, we conduct counseling to the agents implied in youth-childhood development as well as professionals' training.
Psychological care in childhood and adolescence
I Want to Grow has developed an assessment protocol for psychological disorders in childhood. In addition we have developed specific protocols for the treatment of emotional disorders and / or the most common in childhood and adolescent behavior, all based on scientific evidence. We use the Virtual Reality device "EMMA Child" for cases with associated trauma symptoms.
Assessment of those involved in child and adolescent development
We pay special attention to people involved in child development, provide guidelines and foster development strategies for parents, teachers and other professionals.
We carry out various refresher courses in assessment techniques, diagnosis and psychological intervention in childhood and adolescence; training in application and use of new technologies of the information society in psychological treatments (virtual reality, use of smartphones and other devices); and we conduct clinical supervision of cases for professionals.
We strongly believe in the need to assess the effectiveness of the psychological interventions we perform, therefore we carry out studies on these interventions whose results are reflected in scientific articles, books and contributions to national and international seminars and conferences. (For more information see section scientific publications).