Depression and anger in child abuse: evaluation of an intervention program using virtual reality
Authors: Castro, M., Alcantara, M. Lopez-Soler, C. (2013).
Authors: Castro, M., Alcantara, M. Lopez-Soler, C. (2013).
Authors: Alcantara, M., Castro, M. Lopez-Soler, C. (2013).
Authors: Castro, M., Alcantara, M. Lopez-Soler, C. (2013).
Authors: Castro, M. Lopez-Soler, C. Alcantara, M. (2013).
Authors: Castro, M., Alcantara, M. Lopez-Soler, C. (2013).
Title: “Treating trauma in children and adolescents in care: Advantages of the implementation of new technology”.
Location: Denmark. September 2-5, 2014.
Authors: Alcántara, M., López-Soler, C., Castro, y López-García, J.J.
Authors:López-Soler, C., Fernández, V., Prieto, M., Alcántara, M., Castro, M. y López Pina, J.A.
Authors: Lopez-Soler, C. Castro, M., Alcantara, M. y Botella, C.
Authors (signature): Lopez-Soler, C. Castro, M., Alcantara, M., Fernandez, V. Lopez Pina, J.A.