Attendance and participation at conference "13th European Scientific Association on Residential and Family Care for Children and Adolescents Conference (EUSARF)". The Danish National Centre for Social Research.
Congress "13th European Scientific Association on Residential and Family Care for Children and Adolescents.
Work presented:
-Symposium "Treating trauma in children and adolescents in care: Advantages of the implementation of new technology". Concepción López-Soler y MaviAlcántaraLópez.
-Póster: "Relation belation between CBCL syndromes and PTSD diagnosis according to CPSS among children in care". Fernández, V; López-Pina, J.A., Castro, M., Alcántara López, M.V., López-Soler, C.
-Poster: Prevalence of emotional and behavioral disorders in a Spanish sample of children and young people in residential care. Exploring the use of therapeutic services and family background.Carla González, Eduardo Martín, Amaia Bravo, Jorge Fernándezdel Valle, MaviAlcántara.
Completion date: September 2-5 2015.
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark.