Research & Development Project "Attention to mental health problems of children and youth in foster care, prevalence of disorders, coverage and effectiveness of therapeutic services, Healthincare"
Description of service / project: Describing the needs related to the mental health of all children and adolescents in residential care in Spain.
This assessment will allow the gathering of evidence to support a proposed performance criteria document for the care of those needs. The specific aims are: (1) to evaluate the presence of risk factors for mental health problems within the social/family context in the population of children and adolescents in residential care (2) to obtain the prevalence of mental health disorders in terms of the percentage of children treated in therapeutic services and / or who have mental health diagnosis; (3) to a analyze the types of disorders for which they have been referred for treatment; (4) detection through screening techniques of possible unidentified cases which actually do require treatment; (5) to analyze the therapeutic services being used for the care of this population; (6) to analyze the effectiveness of treatments using two techniques. Furthermore, the assessment of the young people and the professionals responsible for their education in foster homes and residences as well as the study of dropouts, interruptions or changes of service. In addition, by using repeated measures of CBCL and YSR and an instrument of Personal Well-being Perception; and (7) Preparing a proposal for intervention in prevention, detection and referral of mental health disorders from residential care facilities, aimed at educators and professionals.
Funding: Ministry of Economy and competitiveness through the National R & D Plan.
Collaborating Entities Children's Villages, and 7 Spanish Autonomous Regions. Asturias, Cantabria, Tenerife, Extremadura, Murcia and Guipúzcoa.
Starting Date: January 2013 - January 2016
Participants: University of Oviedo, Cantabria, Extremadura, Basque Country, Murcia, La Laguna