Temporary foster care (ACOFAMT).
Program Description: emerging as a new and alternative resource for all those minors in distress in their Family of Origin System who need an alternative so that their basic needs and development (physical-biological, cognitive, emotional, social, psychological and educational) will be met.
The Temporary Foster Care Program of protected minors was developed in the framework of the Autonomous Region of Murcia, covering all counties and municipalities in the Region. The program provided an immediate context of protection and care to minors, while an assessment was done to determine the extent and source of the most suitable protection, including primarily the return to their families of origin. The overall aims of the ACOFAMT program were: (1) To provide minors with an individualized , normal and protective family context where they could continue their evolutionary development with guaranteed coverage of all their needs, and where all their rights would be respected; (2) To ensure the minor had a complementary family context from which they were allowed to keep the relationship with their own family during separation, contributing to the good relationship and welfare of all parties involved: child, foster families and biological families. (3) To promote, facilitate and participate in the rehabilitation of the biological family or family of origin for the recovery of same, with whatever environment being most suitable for the psychological and emotional development of the child. (4) To assess and diagnose if the support, services and resources offered have facilitated the recovery of the biological family as the best environment for the child, and if not, assess alternatives (foster care or kinship foster care).
Funding: Ministry of Social Policy, Women and Migration. Department of Family and Children.
Date: January 25, 2010 - March 25, 2012.
Users attended to: Throughout the ACOFAMT Program a total of 24 children were attended to.